Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Anna Evstigneeva at UNSC briefing on the situation in Iraq
We thank Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert for a substantive briefing on the situation in Iraq. We listened carefully to Ms. Khanim Latif. We also welcome the Permanent Representative of Iraq to this meeting.
We closely follow the positive political developments in our friendly Iraq which are taking place against the complicated socio-economic situation.
In this regard, we welcome and support the efforts of the Cabinet of Ministers under the lead of Mohammed Sudani that are aimed at improving domestic public and political environment in the republic, maintain stability, security and legal order, ensure socio-economic transformations. We count on all Iraqi political forces to stick to a responsible approach and settle the existing disputes only in the framework of a constructive dialogue in the interests of all ethno-confessional and social groups.
In this context, we support the ongoing talks of the federal authorities in Baghdad and the autonomous Kurdistan Region on all outstanding issues, first of all in the oil and gas area. We are convinced that once these are resolved, opportunities will be unlocked to use the economic potential of Iraq to the benefit of Kurds and the entire Iraqi nation.
As we see from the latest Secretary-General’s report, ISIL attacks continue to occur in various provinces of the country, which add to destabilization of situation with security in the region, which is already quite complicated. We are concerned over the military activity in the northern areas of the country, including in the autonomous Kurdistan Region. In this context, we would like to underscore again that the remaining threats and challenges can be addressed effectively only through a maximum broad coordination of counter-terrorism efforts. We remain convinced that all stakeholders that take part in combating terrorism in Iraq must be respectful of the Iraqi sovereignty and coordinate their steps with official authorities.
Attempts by certain states to benefit from the internal contradictions in Iraq still prevent lasting normalization in the country. We underscore that Iraq must not turn into an arena for political score-settling and regional confrontation. We appreciate the efforts of Baghdad to establish good relations with the neighbors and call on the international community to support the steps that Iraq takes in order to promote stabilization in the region.
In conclusion, we reiterate our commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and stability of Iraq and our unfailing support for the diversified activities of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, which is turning 20 years this August. We support the rollover of the UNAMI mandate that expires on 31 May.
Thank you.