The Permanent Mission of the
General provisions on the immunities for representatives of the Organization’s Member States in UN main and subsidiary bodies were laid down in the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 February 1946.
In April 1945 the staff for the Permanent Mission was approved by the
Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers. The
The status of the Permanent Mission of the
Since 1991, after the disintegration
of the
In December 1991,
Permanent Representatives of
Andrey Gromyko (1909-1989) in diplomatic service since 1938 1939 - Head of the Section of American States in the USSR People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs end of 1939 - Counsellor at the Plenipotentiary Mission (Embassy since
1941) of the 1943-1946 - Ambassador of the 1946-1948 - Permanent Representative of the 1948-1949 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 1949-1952 - First Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Starting June 1952 - Ambassador of
the 1953-1957 - First Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the 1957-1985 - Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the starting March 1983 - sharing the office of Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers 1985-1988 - Chairman of the Presidium
of the Supreme Soviet of the |
Yakov Malik (1906-1980) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in diplomatic service since 1937 1937-1939 - worked in 1939-1942 - Counselor at the Plenipotentiary
1942-1945 - Ambassador of the 1945-1946 - Political Advisor at the
Allied Council for 1946-1953 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the 1948-1952 - Permanent Representative
of the 1953-1960 - Ambassador of the 1960-1980 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the to the UN Security Council |
Valerian Zorin (1902-1986) in diplomatic service since 1941 1941-1943 - worked in 1943-1945 - Head of the Fourth European Section of the USSR People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs 1945-1947 - Ambassador of the 1947-1955 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the 1952-1953 - Permanent Representative of the 1955-1956 - Ambassador of the 1956-1960 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the 1960-1963 - Permanent Representative of the 1963-1965 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the 1965-1971 - Ambassador of the 1971-1986 - Ambassador-at-Large at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Andrey Vyshinsky (1883-1954) in diplomatic service since 1940 1940-1946 - First Deputy People’s Commissar for
Foreign Affairs of the 1946-1949 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the 1949-1953 - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 1953-1954 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the |
Arkadiy Sobolev (1903-1964) in diplomatic service since 1939 1939-1942 - Secretary General of the USSR People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs 1942-1945 - Counsellor at the Embassy of the 1946-1949 - Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Head of the Department of Political Affairs / Security Council Affairs 1949-1950 - Head of the UN Section at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 1950-1951 - Head of the 1951-1953 - Ambassador of the 1953-1954 - Head of the Section of American
States at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 1954-1955 - Deputy Permanent Representative of
the 1955-1960 - Permanent Representative of the 1960-1964 - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the |
Nikolai Fedorenko (1912-2000) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in diplomatic service since 1939 1939-1941 - interpreter at the
Embassy of the 1941-1948 - Third Secretary, Second
Secretary, First Secretary and then Counsellor at the Embassy of the 1948-1949 - Acting Head of the First Far Eastern Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1950-1952 - Counsellor at the
Embassy of the 1952 - Acting Head of the First Far Eastern Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1952-1953 - Head of the First Far Eastern Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1953-1955 - Head of the Far Eastern Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1955-1958 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the 1958-1962 - Ambassador of the 1962-1967 - Permanent
Representative of the 1968 - left the Ministry to take up
scientific work at the |
Oleg Troyanovsky (1919-2003) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in diplomatic service since 1944 1944-1947 - Attaché and
then Third Secretary at the Embassy of the 1947-1951 - worked in 1951-1953 - Head of a section at the ‘Novosti’ magazine editors office 1953-1958 - Assistant
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 1958-1967 - Assistant Chairman
of the 1967-1976 - Ambassador
of the 1976-1986 - Permanent
Representative of the 1986-1990 - Ambassador
of the 1990-2003 - worked in |
Yuri Dubinin (1930-2013) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in diplomatic service since 1955 1955-1956 - intern at the Embassy
of the 1956 - worked at the Section of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1956-1959 - held a P-1 position at
the UNESCO Secretariat in 1959-1962 - Third Secretary and then Second Secretary of the First European Section at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1962-1963 - Assistant Head of the First European Section at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1963-1968 - First Secretary and
then Counsellor at the Embassy of the 1968-1971 - Deputy Head of the First European Section at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1971-1978 - Head of the First European Section at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1978-1986 - Ambassador of the 1986 - Permanent Representative of
the 1986-1990 - Ambassador of the 1990-1991 - Ambassador of the 1991-1994 - Ambassador-at-Large at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1994-1996 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of 1996-1999 - Ambassador of Russia to
1999 - left the Ministry |
Alexander Belonogov (b.1931) in diplomatic service since 1954 1954-1962 - Assistant, Senior Assistant, Attaché at the Legal and Treaty Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1959-1962 - Third Secretary and then Second Secretary at the Section of International Economic Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1962-1967 - Third Secretary, Second
Secretary and then First Secretary at the Embassy of the 1967-1978 - Counsellor, Chief Counsellor, Head Counsellor at the Foreign Policy Planning Office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1978-1979 - Head of the African and Middle Eastern Section of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1979-1984 - Deputy Head and then
Head of the 1984-1986 - Ambassador of the 1986-1990 - Permanent Representative
of the 1990-1992 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the 1992-1998 - Ambassador of 1998 - left the Ministry |
Yuli Vorontsov (1929-2007) in diplomatic service since 1952 1952-1954 - Expert, Chief Expert and then Attaché of the Second European Section at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1954-1958 - Attaché and then Third Secretary at the Permanent Mission of
the 1958-1963 - Second Secretary, First Secretary and then Counsellor at the Section of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1963-1965 - Counsellor at the Permanent 1965-1966 - Deputy Head of the Section of International Organizations at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1966-1977 - Counsellor and then Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy of
the 1977 - Deputy Head of the Foreign Policy Planning Office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, member of the Ministry Board 1977-1983 - Ambassador of the 1983-1986 - Ambassador of the 1986-1989 - First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 1990-1994 - Permanent Representative of the 1994-1998 - Ambassador of since 1999 - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for CIS, since 2000
sharing the posto of the Secretary-General's High-level Coordinator for
compliance by |
Sergey Lavrov (b.1950) 1972 - graduated from the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Has command of English, French and Sinhalese. Started his career in 1972 at the
Soviet Embassy in 1976-1981 - worked in the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1981-1988 - First Secretary,
Counselor and Senior Counselor in the Permanent Representation of the 1988-1990 - Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1990-1992 - Director of the Foreign Ministry's Department of International Organizations and Global Problems. 1992-1994 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the 1994-2004 - Permanent Representative
of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Has the rank of the Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Decorated with government awards. Married, with one daughter. |
Andrey Denisov (b. In 1974 - graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. 1973 - 1974 - Interpreter, Trade Representation
of the 1974 - 1977 - Post-Graduate Student, 1978 - 1981 - Economist, Trade Representation
of the 1981 - 1991 - Expert, Deputy Head, Head of
Section of the People's Republic of 1991 - Expert, Secretariat of the President of
the 1992 - 1997 - Counselor, Senior Counselor,
Minister-Counselor, Embassy of the 1997 - 2000 - Director, Department of Economic
Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the May 2000 - December 2001 - Ambassador of the December 2001 - July 2004 - Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the July 2004 - April 2006 - Permanent
Representative of the April 2006 – First Deputy Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Holds the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Has a Ph.D. in Economics. Married, has a daughter. Languages: English and Chinese |