Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on the issue of migration in the Mediterranean


We thank representatives of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration for their insights regarding the situation with migrants, refugees and asulym-seekers crossing the Mediterranean.

We have called this meeting after studying the Secretary-General’s report on the implementation of UNSC resolution 2652 for August 2022- July 2023 period. According to the report, the total of 3,111 people have died in the Mediterranean in an attempt to reach the European coast. This year there has been a 77% increase in deaths occurring at sea as compared to the previoud reporting period. In fact, the number of casualties has doubled over the year. The total number of people killed or missing at sea over the past six years exceeds 23,000. These are migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, including women and children, whose protection is explicitly provided for under international law. A bitter picture that is.

We must say that year to year, the Mediterranean Sea remains the most dangerous migration route with the highest mortality level that turns out a deathtrap for many desperate souls.

This year alone, terrible tragedies took place off the coast of Greece, where 78 people died on June 14 and approximately 750 people went missing; and off the coast of Italy, where 81 migrants, including 33 children, died on February 28, 2023. It is clear that the mechanism provided for in resolution 2240 and subsequent Security Council resolutions is not working, or at least works ineffectively. A legitimate question arises: why need this resolution if the European Union is unable to properly carry out the functions it has been tasked with following its own request?

Obviously, the aforementioned tragedies would not have occurred if assistance to those in distress at sea had been provided in a timely manner, as required by both international law and principles of humanity.

However, in most cases, rescuing those drowning is not a priority. Moreover, quite often EU member states not only fail to take measures to rescue a vessel, but actually forbid any other vessels from coming to aid. Those who dare to disobey face criminal prosecution and can be charged with human trafficking. In addition, according to the Secretary-General's report, some EU courts deliberately tend to push a vessel in distress out of their jurisdiction, thus dooming those on board to painful death. That is, they do everything they can to protect their "blossoming garden" from guests from the jungle, as Mr. Borrell puts it.

Let me ask a direct question to our European colleagues. Do you actually conduct a proper investigation into cases of European coastal guard services failing to provide assistance to migrants in distress? Are you ready to share this information with the rest of the Security Council?


Despite the assurances of European colleagues, it is clear that the activities of European authorities that use the mandate of resolution 2240 on combating the migrant smuggling and human trafficking do not bring tangible results in terms of curbing the illegal activities of smugglers. As the report shows, most criminals avoid arrest, i.a. by means of corruption. These illegal activities continue to flourish.

There is one more question. What measures does the EU take to rescue people at sea within Operation IRINI, if, according to the report, the vast majority of migrants and refugees have been rescued or intercepted by other bodies and structures of which we know nothing? We stress that the conduct of force operations on the high seas is authorized by a Security Council resolution, therefore UNSC members must be fully informed of the results of those operations. The Secretary-General’s does not provide any insight on this matter. At the same time, it appears that the EU authorities interpret resolution 2240 solely as an "indulgence" for the violent suppression of illegal migration flows.

Moreover, as we take it from the recently announced EU plan, there is an intention to strengthen and expand the scope of so-called naval operations in the Mediterranean, which journalists and human rights activists have already dubbed a "naval blockade". The impression is that the EU is waging an undeclared war on migrants, who are dying because of the lack of safe alternative routes. How does this relate to resolution 2240?

Even the few migrants and refugees who have been lucky enough to reach the European coast safely face harsh and inhumane treatment, detention, deportation, regardless of their circumstances and status.

May I remind that assistance to migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers and stateless persons is today an important component of efforts aimed at maintaining peace, security and stability. UN member states should firmly adhere to their international obligations with regard to refugees, internally displaced persons and stateless persons arising from the provisions of the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol.

All the more so because the mass exodus of people from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe is the result of irresponsible and thoughtless interference by Western countries, including the European Union, in the internal affairs of sovereign states in order to destabilize them and forcibly change unwanted governments. It is those countries who bear the main responsibility for the consequences.

Basically, so far the European Union has been dealing with migration issues only in relation to Ukrainians. Citizens from North African and Middle Eastern countries obviously cannot expect a similar level of solidarity and humanly attitude from the Europeans.

It is high time Brussels stopped blaming smugglers for the deaths of people and assumed responsibility rather than just saying the words of regret over deaths of yet another group of migrants and refugees.

Thank you.

Video of the statement