Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Statement by representative of the Russian Federation Mr.Roman Kashaev at UNSC Arria meeting “Protection of Civilians: Achieving a better protection of water-related essential services and infrastructure for the civilian population during armed conflicts”


We thank Mozambique and Switzerland for convening this crucial event on the World Water Day.

Accessibility of infrastructure that ensures the availability of water resources, especially drinking water, as well as high-quality sanitation services, is key to sustainable development of state and life sustenance of populations even during peacetime. However, in situations of armed conflict this topic becomes especially important given the increasing dependence of civilian lives on physical access to such facilities. In this regard, we share the point reflected in the concept note for today's meeting on the important role of water resources in preventing the spread of infectious diseases during hostilities and post-conflict recovery.

Any deliberate attacks on civilian population are absolutely unacceptable. In accordance with international humanitarian law, all parties to armed conflicts are required to distinguish between civilian and military facilities.

We note the need for international cooperation in restoring destroyed or damaged infrastructure, as well as providing timely assistance to countries affected by hostilities. Effective measures in this regard become increasingly demanded in the context of creating conditions for the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their places of permanent residence.

As for general issues pertaining to water management, climate change, and other aspects of sustainable development, we still presume that the Security Council is not the right platform for such discussions.

If we link problems of water resources and negative impacts of climate change to occurrence of armed conflicts, it can "hide" the real root cause of disputes among states. This can divert the global community from searching for concrete practical solutions to urgent problems in this area.

Russia stands for development of water cooperation among states on the basis of specialized platforms.


Speaking of the insinuations against Russia that the so-called champions of justice from Western bloc made earlier in this meeting, we would like to note again that Russia strikes from high-precision weapons only target military facilities in Ukraine. At the same time we remind, that Ukrainian forces deliberately hit civil infrastructure, including water facilities, which goes completely unnoticed by the Western bloc.

In fall 2022, UAF systematically and purposefully targeted the Kakhovskaya Hydroplant, devastation of which would have led to a major humanitarian disaster, flooding of adjacent areas and death of thousands of people.

As recently as yesterday night, a Ukrainian “Tochka-U” destroyed a water facility in the Petrovskiy District of the city of Donetsk, which serviced an entire district.  

Also, we would like to recall the egregious cases of violation of the rights to water and the destruction of the relevant infrastructure, which Ukraine has been carrying out since 2014. First of all, this is about the so-called water blockade of the Crimea that Ukraine started in 2014 and the led to violations of a number of human rights of the Crimean population, including the right to water and sanitation, health, and nutrition. This nearly led to a humanitarian disaster that only was prevented thanks to emergency response on the part of Russia. This was an outspoken violation by Ukraine of its international rights obligations under a number of treaties. Nevertheless, such a clear-cut and outrageous infringement on human rights was simply ignored by Western states.

The fact that Ukrainian armed forces have been shelling and destroying the water infrastructure of the DPR and LPR for the past 9 years goes completely unnoticed. One of the most egregious was the case of shelling in February 2017 of the Donetsk water filtering station. The UAF fired at the facility for several days in a row. Shells hit the chlorine warehouse, administrative buildings and tanks. Besides, shells hit a bus with personnel who were heading to the facility to prevent an environmental disaster. The Donetsk Water Filter Facility provided water to Donetsk and a number of other large settlements in the region.

Thank you.