Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Chumakov at an "Arria-formula" meeting of UNSC members "Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace and Security"


We thank the delegation of UAE for organizing this event, and we also thank the briefers.

Out of respect for the Presidency, I would like to briefly respond to the comments of some delegations regarding Ukraine, and I will only do it once.

Our delegation rejects deceitful allegations that blame Russia for the situation that is unfolding in Ukraine.

Finally, Western media start covering news that is not so flattering for the West, for example the news about secret biological laboratories in Ukraine. Another story that has become public is Ukraine’s villainous plans with regard to Donbas. This and other episodes will help the global community figure out what is really happening.

Though we disagree with their other points, we appreciate that our Irish colleagues call to establish humanitarian corridors.

We agree with the point articulated in the Concept Note for this meeting that avoiding dual accounting of funds that have been allocated for various purposes is crucial. For example, donor financing of security projects that are said to have some connection to climate must not be regarded as part of climate financing. Otherwise developing countries may fall short of promised resources, even if the record says that donor obligations have been upheld. We believe a focus on this problem is absolutely justified.


Russia consistently warns against attempts to assert an inherent climate-security nexus. We do not want to divert the attention of the Council from considering real root causes of conflicts in countries that stand on UNSC agenda. Nor do we want to turn the climate agenda into a political issue. Let me point out that more than 80 states did not support the proposal to adopt a UNSC resolution on climate in December last year. Indicatively, the recently published part 2 of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impact of climate on conflicts and statistical association of climate and conflicts as relatively weak. This once again proves that climate change is an issue of sustainable development.

In response to the questions set out in the Concept Note, we must say that we clearly see a lack of adaptation measures. Secretary-General of the United Nations repeatedly underscored that. According to the IPCC, climate change triggers increasingly frequent and intense extreme natural phenomena in various spots of the globe: ever more devastating forest fires, tropic cyclones, droughts, floods, increase of sea level. All of this asks for our urgent efforts to ensure adaptation and mitigate losses and damage, especially in most vulnerable states.

In this connection, we call to elaborate solutions to provide financial and technical support to developing states within the framework of UN FCCC (which is the main mechanism to address this agenda), enhance donor climate assistance rendered both directly and through bodies of the UN development system according to their respective mandates.

Thank you.