Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Remarks to the Press by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia after Security Council consultations on the Middle East

Q: Ambassador, will you tell us why you broke silence on Libya?

A: I will not tell you the details, but basically – because this resolution does not take into account our concerns and our vision of how it should be. That is it.

Q: Is that because of the section on mercenaries?

A: There are a few sections of the resolution that are of our concern. We discussed it today in the Security Council, and decided to continue our discussions of that resolution.

Q: Just to be clear: are there Russian mercenaries in Libya?  

A: There are a lot of FTFs (foreign terrorist fighters) in Libya. What do you mean by mercenaries?

Q: Russian security personnel operating in Libya.

A: Not that I know. Ask those who know.