Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Statement by Dmitry Chumakov, Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, at the ECOSOC operational activity segment

M-me President,

We would like to thank the Secretariat and all regional actors for their active engagement in the discussions about the regional dimension of the reform. The regional architecture seems to be more robust and responds better to each region’s specificities.

Russia is a strong supporter of the Regional Economic Commissions and their interaction with the funds and programmes. Both possess unique expertise and overview of the situation in the regions and we are delighted that the SG’s report stresses the importance of the joint work of these two regional elements within Regional Cooperation platforms and Issues-based coalitions (IBCs). We strongly urge that the leading roles of RECs and UNDS entities are always preserved in the regions.

M-me President,

Russia is a long-standing member of 2 Regional Commissions – UNECE and ESCAP. Our cooperation has proved high efficiency and effectiveness of their work. Our project portfolio is rich and diverse and we are looking forward to its further development. Areas of our cooperation with the Commissions correspond to most of IBCs topics assigned to them. In this regard we would like to ask how the work of those coalitions will impact our projects?

M-me President,

Though we are satisfied with the regional review we believe that the best assessments of the regional process belong to those who work in the field. So we advocate for a continued dialogue between the representatives of RECs and regional entities with the Headquarters so that the decisions in New York are informed by expertise and concerns of the people on the ground.   

Thank you!