Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC debate "Counter-terrorism in Africa: An imperative for peace, security and development"
President Akufo-Addo,
We welcome you in the Chair of the Council and thank Ghana for its leadership. We also thank Deputy Secretary-General A.Mohammed, African Union Commission Chairperson M.Faki Mahamat, as well as Ms.Comfort Ero and Ms. Benedikta von Seherr-Thoss.
We believe the pressing problem of the growing terrorist threat in Africa should also be viewed in a historical context. ISIL, Al-Qaida, their branches and affiliated terrorist groups feel at ease on the continent and build up their influence as time passes. What was the reason for this spread of the terrorist activity? The thing is that in African states, as well as in the neighboring Middle East, chaos and instability usually come after external interference. Foreign interventions erode and destroy state institutions (as was the case in Libya), which creates a nutrient medium for terrorism, helps criminals reap profits and win more supporters, making use of the cultivated dire socio-economic situation.
We need to counter the financing of terrorism effectively. I mean the nexus between criminal and terrorist groups in the first place. For terrorists, ties with transnational organized crime is a critical channel of financial, material and technical recharge. For Africa, the problem of financing terrorist activities with the proceeds from the illegal trafficking in arms, narcotic drugs, and mineral resources, as well as smuggle of cultural valuables remains very relevant. Back in the day, Africa used to be robbed by colonial powers. Now major Western corporations have taken their place. Terrorists who alongside with organized crime plunder the national riches of African states, steal natural and other resources, nicely fit into this landscape.
I will now address the arms problem in more detail. We raise alarm on a regular basis to draw attention to the violations of arms embargo with regard to terrorist organizations in various parts of the globe, including in Africa. However the violations do not stop, and data about the channels of terrorists’ recharge often becomes concealed.
By all means, the situation on the African continent is in need of urgent decisions, i.a. by the United Nations. The Organization should be the central coordinating power, however the primary role of the affected states in matters of countering terrorism should always be respected, as well as their national specifics and priorities. We underscore that the UN system and its Security Council already have the required anti-terrorism mechanisms. States bear concrete obligations in the area of combating terrorism. If scrupulously observed, they will yield the needed results. It only takes dedicated cooperation and complete rejection of double standards. That is why we do not think it may be productive if we assign extra tasks in the area of countering terrorism to the UN missions in Africa. Such kind of expansion of their mandates does not meet the specifics of the UN presence and diverts resources from providing other much needed UN assistance.
We are convinced that proper coordination of national and regional efforts is required to rebuff terrorists effectively. We welcome measures made by African states to elaborate coordinated approaches to the issues of combating terrorism, i.a. at the level of sub-regional organizations.
We must not forget that there is a mechanism to review the implementation by states of UNSC resolutions on countering terrorism, which is carried out by Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee. Upon reviewing, the CTC articulates recommendations for every state. Should states experience any difficulties when implementing those recommendations, they can request technical assistance via UN channels. This assistance should not be stereotype, but should fully account for the countries’ national priorities and peculiarities.
In this regard, we stand for promoting interaction and coordination of the bodies of the UN Secretariat with regional organizations in matters of combating terrorism. The UN Office on Counter-Terrorism plays a particular role, as it develops and implements relevant programs and projects, provides technical assistance to states as they fight against terrorism, acts as a coordinator of anti-terrorism efforts of all UN divisions and stays in touch with other specialized regional and international partners on these matters.
The successes of Russian private military companies on the African continent seem to be haunting the minds of some representatives who spoke today. African states have the right to choose whom to cooperate with and on what conditions. They can diversify their engagement with actors in the PMC services market and generally pursue an independent policy in this area. It is failures of Western states that make Africans turn to those who can really contribute to combating terrorism on the continent. We all remember that against the backdrop of operations Serval and Barkhane that were said to be fighting terrorism, the terrorist threat in West Africa and the Sahel but continued to grow.
Thank you.