Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

Statement by H.E. Mr. Alexander Khloponin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Head of the Delegation of the Russian Federation at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem

April 21, 2016

Your Excellency Mr. President,

Distinguished Delegates,

Allow me to read out the Address by His Excellency Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, to the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem.


"Address to the participants in the Special Session

of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem

Ladies and gentlemen,

This Special Session of the UN General Assembly is a very important and necessary step to promote international counter-narcotics cooperation. It would be no exaggeration to say that the challenge of illegal production and distribution of drugs has reached an unprecedented level. Drug business, which has become one of the most aggressive forms of transnational crime, poses a real threat to the state and society, claiming the lives and ruining the health of millions of people. Moreover, the proceeds of drug cartels serve as a source for financing terrorist and extremist groups.

Clearly, it is only by consolidated and concerted efforts, fully exploiting the potential of the three UN drug control conventions, that this evil can be effectively resisted. It is encouraging that the outcome document of the Session has summed up constructive experience gained by different countries of the world in this area.

We hope that the agreed diplomatic formulas will be followed by concrete steps towards their practical implementation both at the national and intergovernmental levels. Russia, for its part, intends to further intensify its work on countering illicit traffic in narcotic substances in close cooperation with other members of the international community.

I wish you every success and all the best.

Vladimir Putin"


Mr. President,

Ladies and gentlemen,

This address confirms the special attention paid by the Russian leadership to countering global drugs challenge. The cross-border drug expansion has also affected Russia, posing direct threat to State security. It is obvious that we must take immediate decisive and coordinated steps in the face of a problem of such a scale. In 2010, Russia approved the National Anti-Drug Policy Strategy until 2020, a concrete plan to consolidate the Russian society in the fight against drugs.

Despite the measures Russia has been taking, drugs continue to claim and blight the lives of thousands of its citizens, especially the younger ones. The community of nations has failed to effectively block the drug transit routes starting in Afghanistan. To this end, we are taking energetic and targeted steps within the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other intergovernmental mechanisms. We hope that the outcome of the Special Session will contribute to developing and strengthening international anti‑drug cooperation. First and foremost, this refers to the Paris Pact Initiative, which has managed to establish an effective mechanism for fighting against trafficking in drugs of Afghan origin through the combined efforts of more than 50 countries and 20 international organizations. We are committed to the Paris Pact and intend to improve it on the basis of a broad interstate partnership.

At the same time, we expect all States to demonstrate enhanced solidarity and cooperation as they search for ways to respond to evolving drug threat. First and foremost we refer to new psychoactive substances, and the use of the Internet for drug smuggling. We are convinced that counter-narcotics efforts should not be affected by double standards, political expediency and State selfishness.

It is obvious that the drug problem cannot be tackled with interdictions and punitive measures only. Outcome document of the Special Session has been clear on that point. An effective system of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation is required, as well as activities to mobilize public opinion against drug consumption through mass media and youth and volunteer organizations. Besides, social rehabilitation of drug addicted persons that would allow them to reintegrate into society is crucial.

It is also necessary to extend a helping hand to those who are forced to sow their lands with drug crops due to poverty and destitution. Effective alternative development programs are needed to remove the poorest from the orbit of criminal business and enable them to switch to legal sources of livelihood.

In today's world, the proceeds of drug trafficking fuel organized crime, terrorism and corruption. We align ourselves with the UN Security Council’s qualification of illicit drug trafficking as a threat to international peace and stability. To expand the territory of stability and reduce threats, the UN should continue its uncompromising and decisive fight against drugs.

In the run‑up to the Special Session some skeptics and pessimists argued that the world community had lost its war against drugs. We cannot accept this. We have by no means lost the war but to win we must achieve a new level of solidarity and unity.